Advent Challenge: the Way of Love
Do you like a challenge? Are you ready to grow spiritually either as an indivdual or as a family? Advent, like Lent, is a season of preparation. In Advent we prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, in our lives each day, at Christmas over 2000 years ago, and at the end of time. This year at St. Columba’s we are each encouraged to adopt some spiritual practices collectively called The Way of Love.
The Advent Challenge for 2019 involves committing to one of the practices in the Way of Love each week.
This is a busy time of year and this “challenge” is designed to be respectful of your time – requiring less than half an hour each day. You will be able to complete it as an individual or together with your family - we will have family friendly options for reflection over a meal, or during family time each day. You can follow along with prompts on our facebook page, and anyone of any age is invited to come together to reflect on the experience of the challenge Sunday mornings at 9am.
So, what do you say, do you accept the challenge? We will have materials and more information starting December 1, the First Sunday of Advent!