Inspiring Norfolk

# Other

Inspiring Norfolk

We were honoured to be asked to be involved in a new educational resource for Inspiring Norfolk. This is a large collection of videos made by a variety of people, groups and organisations around Norfolk designed to inspire people through interesting stories and events with contributions from Stephen Fry, Ed Balls and Norwich Cathedral.

Our film, "What's in a Name?" was presented by Ana Moskvina and filmed by Michael Winter and explores our link to the Linnean Society and the Binomial Naming system.

Fred Corbett from Inspiring Norfolk writes:

The Inspiring Norfolk project [ ] has an intended double meaning, to inspire Norfolk students AND their parents / carers but also to recognise that Norfolk itself can inspire learning through interesting people, past and present, places, events and artefacts.

The project has created a remarkable resource of some 60+ dedicated short (4-10mins) and we are delighted that St Peter Mancroft is one of the strong supporters and has contributed a wonderful short film about What’s in a Name? You can access it on the website or directly here:

There is plenty on the website to inspire us all to look and learn more about Norfolk’s heritage, environment and also be challenged with great activities. Other colleagues in the Diocese have also supported this project by providing films and you will find; A wonderful message from our Bishop -

The Cathedral -

St Julian’s Church -

Archbishop Sancroft High School -

Horsted Residential Centre –

Please spread the word about this wonderful resource for us all, we are delighted to support it.

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