Vor Frelsers Orgelfestival 2024 - James D. Hicks (US): Markering af baltisk fredsdemonstration i 1989

Onsdag 28. august 2024, kl. 20:00
Vor Frelsers Kirke, Sankt Annæ Gade 29, 1416 København K.
Denne koncert fremføres i et samarbejde med de tre baltiske ambassader i København, og markerer 35-årsdagen for fredsdemonstration i baltikum - The Chain of Freedom i 1989. I denne kæde stod op mod 2 millioner mennesker hånd i hånd for at demonstrere for frihed i Estland, Litauen og Letland.

Vor Frelsers Orgelfestival 

juli/august 2024 

Skønne toner & internationale gæster!

I løbet af juli og august får vi besøg af dygtige organister fra både ind-og udland til Vor Frelsers Orgelfestival. Du kan opleve den franske organist Olivier Penin der til daglig slår tonerne an i Sainte Clotilde  kirke i Paris, den svenske organist og professor i orgel og kirkemusik ved Det Norske Musikkonservatorium Karin Nelson, organist i Vor Frelsers Kirke Lars Sømod Jensen, organist i Vor Frelsers Kirke Peter Navarro-Alonso & basbaryton Jakob Bloch, den italienske organist og dirigent Giacomo Benedetti & den amerikanske organist James D. Hicks i et samarbejde med de tre baltiske ambassader. 

Alle koncerter er gratis! 

Onsdag d. 28. august - James D. Hicks (US)

James D. Hicks is a concert organist living and working out of Califon, NJ, USA. A graduate of the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Yale University, and the University of Cincinnati, Hicks has also studied at the Royal School of Church Music in the UK. James held liturgical positions throughout the USA over the course of thirty-five years and now devotes himself to concert, publishing, and recording projects.

Over the past fifteen years, James has researched the music of the Nordic lands and the result is an ongoing venture entitled Nordic Journey. The endeavor places emphasis on new music, he has commissioned over sixty compositions from Nordic composers, as well as researching repertoire from the past that has hitherto never been recorded or published.




Peeter Süda (1883-1920)/Completed by Olli Saari (b. 1991)

Commissioned work by James D. Hicks, 2024

Pari Intervallo

Arvo Pärt (b. 1935)

Orgelsonate Nr. 1, f-moll

Allegro maestoso



Artur Kapp (1878-1952)


Prelude in Memory of M.K. Čiurlionis

Giedrius Kuprevičius (b. 1944 )

Arranged for organ by Jūratė Landsbergytė (b. 1955)

The Narva March, Op. 247

Vidas Pinkevicius (b. 1976)

Commissioned work by James D. Hicks, 2024

World Premiere


Konzertsatz d-moll, Op. 31, Nr. 1

Ādams Ore (1855-1927)

Procesija ar zvaniem

(Procession with Bells)

Indra Riše (b. 1961)

Suite of Latvian Folk Songs for Organ

Noriet saule vakarā

(The Sun Sets in the Evening)

Visiem rozes dārzā zied

(Roses Bloom in Everyone's Garden)

Caur sidraba birzi gāju

(I walked through the Silver Birch Grove)

Dace Aperāne (b. 1953)

Commissioned by James D. Hicks, 2024

World Premiere

Con Anima

(from First Book of Latvian Folk Songs)

Romualds Jermaks (b. 1931)

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