International music service /International musikgudstjeneste v/ Finn Damgaard

Søndag 14. juli 2024, kl. 12:30
Vor Frelsers Kirke, Sankt Annæ Gade 29, 1416 København K.

You are very welcome at our international music services in July and August. 

These services will be in English, there will be music from the historical organ from 1698, the priest will perform devotion and say prayers. 

Everyone is very welcome to come by! 

Dates for the international music services 2024:


7/7 at 12:30 pm

14/7 at 12:30 pm

21/7 at 12:30 pm 

28/7 at 12:30 pm


4/8 at 12:30 pm

11/8 at 12:30 pm 

18/8 at 12:30 pm 

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